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PROTEIN: meat, eggs, dairy, beans, and protein shakes all give you all or almost all of the amino acid family (like l-tyrosine, l-phenylalanine, tryptophan, lysine, etc) and all of the amino acids are important in NEUROTRANSMITTER SUPPORT AND HEALTH.

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UPDATE: 7/27/17: stress formula by puritans pride ($5) has all the b vitamins and vitamins c and e!Ĥ. B VITAMINS: these help your body metabolize energy, promotes nervous system health, and ensures that your organs and shit are working properly like they should

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Vitamin C: it’s needed to synthesize dopamine, clear meth from the body, and acts as an antioxidantģ. WATER: keeps you hydrated so your circulation is good, and helps your lungs clear up so they can take more cloudssĢ. I’m adding some tips from the site I’m linking as well as some of my own tipssssssss because we are all responsible (?) tweakers right? :)ġ. THIS IS BASICALLY THE METH AND STIMS SUPPLEMENT ENCYCLOPEDIA: it relates to anyone using stimulants, RCs, and similar drugs> WE NOW INTERRUPT YOUR DRUG USE TO BRING THESE IMPORTANT MESSAGES:

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